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There are many uses for Documents on the Huly platform, including sharing reference materials among team members, collaborating on plans and roadmaps, saving meeting notes and assigning action items.

Check out our video about collaborative editing!

Creating a teamspace

Documents are organized into teamspaces, which can be used to model your team’s specific needs. For example, you may choose to organize your Documents into teamspaces called “Features”, “Marketing”, “Style Guides” etc.

To create a teamspace, click the + that appears when hovering over the word “Teamspaces” in the sidebar, or by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the + Create a Document button and selecting Create teamspace.

From here, you can enter the following details:

  • Space type - Currently defaults to settings optimal for the Huly platform
  • Teamspace title - A title for your teamspace
  • Description - A description of your teamspace
  • Icon - Choose an icon to represent your teamspace, either from a default icon with a custom color, or an emoji
  • Make private - Toggles whether the teamspace is visible to people outside of the selected members
  • Members - Select which members are a part of this teamspace

Click Create.

Creating a Document

There are two ways to create a document:

  • Click the + Create a document button at the top of the Documents sidebar. This opens a dialog with the option to select a teamspace for your Document; the default parent will be the most recently selected teamspace or Document. Enter a title for your Document and click Create.
  • Hover over a teamspace name or any other Document and click the + button that appears. The new Document will automatically be nested within the Teamspace or Document you selected.

Formatting Document content

Documents support markdown formatting. There are a few ways to access formatting options for your text:

  • Type markdown syntax directly into your Document.
  • Use the floating toolbar that appears when text is selected on the page.

Formatting options include headers, text emphasis, links, blockquotes, numbered and bulleted lists, and code blocks.

Images, tables and separator lines are also available by hovering over text and clicking the + icon that appears on the left side.

Mentions, Todos and collaboration


Mention a team member by using @mention syntax. The member will receive a notification that they have been mentioned in the Document.

Creating Todos

Create a Todo item by typing [] then space on a new line. An empty checkbox will appear. As you begin typing, a profile icon will appear to the left of the checkbox. Click this icon to select a team member to assign the task to. That team member will receive a notification that they have been assigned a Todo, and they’ll be able to schedule the Todo in their Planner.

Assign a Todo item any time by hovering over the checkbox and clicking the profile icon.


Team members can collaborate on Documents at the same time! Multiple people can edit and add to Documents simultaneously, and in a future version team members’ live cursors will be visible on the screen when working collaboratively.

Options for Documents

A number of additional options for Documents are available using the toolbar at the top right of the Document:

  • Settings icon - Opens a dialog with options to create a new Document, copy the URL, move the Document to a different parent, generate a public link or delete the Document.
  • Clipboard icon - Copies the Document link.
  • Star icon - Marks the Document as a favorite.
  • Paper clip icon - Displays backlinks (any other Documents that contain references to this one)
  • Clock icon - Shows any history of snapshots taken of the Document (this feature is still in development).
  • Expand icon - Expands to Document to a larger view.