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What is Huly?

Huly is an open source all-in-one project management platform offering an alternative to tools like Linear, Jira, Slack, Notion, and Motion.

By providing a powerful suite of features including workflow management, personal scheduling, collaborative editing and video conferencing, Huly streamlines project management processes in a way that aligns seamlessly with the complexity and dynamic nature of real-world workflows.

Huly Docs contains information about all of Huly’s main platform features. You can also read more about the Huly on our blog.

Getting started

If this is your first time using the Huly Platform, follow our Getting Started guide for step-by-step instruction on how to set up your Workspace and create your first Project and Issues.

If you’ve already started setting up, jump to any of the steps below:

  1. Workspace Setup
  2. Create a Project
  3. Create an Issue

If you need help along the way, our Slack community is a great resource for asking questions!

Diving deeper

Once you’ve set up the Huly platform for your team, dive deeper into all Huly has to offer by exploring some of these popular features, like Todos, Chat and Virtual Office.