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Huly integrates with GitHub, allowing for two-way synchronization between the two platforms. This is a great option for teams working with one or more GitHub repositories, allowing them to sync Issues and changes while utilizing Huly’s other features for scheduling, planning and collaboration.

Integrating a GitHub account

Click on your user profile icon at the bottom of the left sidebar and select Integrations. Below “GitHub integration”, click Add.

Click Authorize Huly GitHub App. When prompted, click Authorize Huly GitHub App again and if needed, enter your login information for your GitHub account.

You will be brought back to Huly, where you can see your GitHub information in the GitHub integration window.

Mapping GitHub repositories

To connect a GitHub repository to Huly, select Mapped GitHub Repositories on the Github integration window. Click Install GitHub App.

On the next screen, select a location to install Huly GitHub. You may be prompted to enter your GitHub login information. Select which repositories you would like Huly GitHub to have access to.

Your selected repository will now display in the Mapped GitHub Repositories tab. Use the dropdown Connect to Huly to select which Project you’d like to add your repository to. Alternatively, you can create a new Project to sync with your repository.

Your repository can be disconnected at any time by clicking the Disconnect button.

How Huly interacts with GitHub

You can use the Huly platform to interact with your GitHub repository in a number of ways, including:

  • Creating and syncing Issues - Issues created within the project linked to your GitHub will by default create a matching Issue in your repository (this can be overridden by selecting Create issue without GitHub). When multiple repositories are connected, you can select which one to create the Issue in using the Create issue in dropdown menu. Similarly, when you create a new issue on GitHub, it will appear on the Huly platform as well. Once an issue has been created in your GitHub repository, you can find the direct link to it in the Activity section for that Issue on Huly.

  • Pull requests - Pull requests from GitHub automatically appear in the Pull requests tab, available within your Project in the Tracker Sidebar.

  • Comments - Commenting on an Issue connected with a GitHub repository using the Huly interface will also automatically create a comment on the corresponding issue in GitHub. Likewise, any comment added to an issue on GitHub will appear on that Issue in the Huly platform.