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Virtual office

The Huly platform offers the ability for team members to meet through built-in voice and video conferencing. To access the Live Office Virtual Environment, click the building icon in the left sidebar.

The virtual office contains three kinds of rooms:

  • Individual offices - Each team member has their own office space. Other users are required to knock before entering. Audio and screen sharing are available.
  • Team rooms - These rooms are for voice calls only, support screen sharing, and do not require knocking to enter, although this setting can be overridden. Team rooms are ideal for quick meetings with more than 2 team members.
  • Meeting rooms - These rooms are for video conferencing. Audio-only is also possible, and screen sharing is supported. Meeting rooms do not require knocking to enter, although this setting can be overridden. Meeting rooms are perfect for larger meetings or presentations.

Individual offices

At the bottom of the screen, you can choose the privacy setting for your own personal office:

  • Knock required - Others must request access by knocking before entering.
  • Do not disturb - Others are unable to request access to your office.

To enter someone else’s office, click on any team member’s office to request to enter. You’ll see a dialog indicating that you are knocking on their virtual office door, and you’ll need to wait to be allowed to enter.

When someone is requesting to enter your office, you’ll see a popup with their image and name. Select Accept to begin a voice call, or Decline.

You can end the meeting at any time by selecting the meeting in the top status bar and clicking End meeting. This will effectively kick the visiting participant out of your office.

Team and meeting rooms

Team and meeting rooms are available for meetings with more than 2 participants. Team rooms allow for audio only, while meeting rooms support video conferencing. Both room types allow for screen sharing and various access settings.

Click on any meeting room to enter. If you’re the first one in the meeting room, you’ll see a Start meeting button. If the meeting room is already in use, you’ll see a Join meeting button instead.

During the meeting, a few options are available at the bottom of the screen:

  • Change access - Select either open, knock required or do not disturb.
  • Audio - Mute or unmute, and change settings for speaker, microphone and noise cancellation.
  • Video - Turn camera on or off, and change settings for which camera to use and how much to blur the background.
  • Share - Share all or part of your screen with everyone in the room. To include system audio when sharing your screen, open the settings menu next to the screen share icon and and toggle “include system audio”. Restart the screen share to apply the changes.
  • Record - Toggle meeting recording on or off. Recordings are automatically saved to your Drive and are visible to anyone with access to the Drive space.
  • Transcription - Toggle transcription on or off. For more on how Huly’s AI assistant Hulia transcribes meetings in real-time, see Transcription.
  • Full-screen mode - Open the call in full screen.
  • More options - Copy guest link (in development), and Settings (for setting the room language, as well as recording and transcription defaults).
  • Leave room - Exit the meeting room.

You’ll notice that meetings are automatically opened in the right sidebar. You can navigate the platform while in a call, and the call will remain open in the sidebar. From the sidebar, you can switch between the video, chat, and transcription tabs.

Editing your office space

While Huly’s virtual office comes with default offices and meeting rooms, teams may wish to customize the number of rooms and office layout to best suit their needs. Only the creator of the Workspace is able to edit the office space.

Click the Edit office button in the top right corner. A few options are available for editing:

  • Rename offices and rooms by clicking on their names.
  • Delete offices and rooms by clicking the trash bin icon.
  • Arrange offices and rooms by clicking and dragging their edges or dragging them to a new place in the layout.
  • Add a new office or room by clicking the + button in the top right corner.

When you have finished editing your office space, click Finalize editing in the top right corner to save your changes.

Adding floors

Large teams may find that the default layout may not have sufficient space for their offices and rooms. Additional floors can be added to the virtual office by clicking the + button on the Floors sidebar.

If the Floors sidebar is not visible, either collapse the Main view by clicking the icon in the top left corner, or click on the two horizontal lines below your Workspace icon at the top of the left sidebar.

To add a new Floor, click the + icon in the top right corner of the Floors sidebar. Enter a name for the new Floor and click Add a floor.

Office preview

At any time, from any view in the Huly platform, you can glance at your virtual office space by selecting the Office icon in the far right sidebar. This opens a preview of your virtual office in the sidebar, where you can see which team members are in which areas. You can join a meeting room or visit someone’s office from here as well.