What are milestones?
Milestones are a way of organizing issues in Huly. They can be used to group issues together based on a common theme, project, or timeline. For example, you might create a milestone for a specific feature release, a sprint, or a project phase. Milestones can be used to track progress, set deadlines, and ensure that issues are completed in a logical order.
Note: Milestones are specific to a project and cannot be moved to a different project in the Tracker.
Creating a new milestone
Navigate to the Tracker and select Milestones under any project. Then, click the + Milestone
button in the top right corner. From here, you can enter a name and optional description for your Milestone, and set a status and deadline.
Adding issues to a milestone
Creating a new issue within a milestone
There are a few ways to add issues to a milestone. If you haven’t created the issue yet, simply click the +
button on the details page for any milestone. This will allow you to create a new issue that will be automatically linked to that milestone.
Alternatively, when creating a new issue from anywhere else in the tracker, simply select the desired milestone from the dropdown menu in the issue creation dialog:

Linking an existing issue to a milestone
If you’ve already created an issue and want to link it to an existing milestone, you can open the details page for that issue and select the desired milestone from the right sidebar:

Alternatively, you could right-click on the issue in your tracker to open the context menu, and select a milestone from there:

Using milestones to sort issues
Like any other issue attribute, milestones can be used to filter and sort issues in the Tracker. For example, you can toggle whether or not you want to see the milestone for each issue in your Tracker, or you can customize your entire Tracker view by organizing issues by milestone.
Issues can also be filtered by milestone, allowing you to quickly see all of the issues related to a selection of milestones.