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Scheduling action items

Scheduling an action item

Action items are not particularly useful until they are scheduled. Scheduling an action item indicates to your team that you’ve acknowledged the task you’ve been assigned, and you’ve committed to beginning the work at a specific time in your Planner.

To schedule an action item, simply drag and drop it from the “Unplanned” section of your Planner to a specific time slot. You can also click on the action item to open a dialog where you can set the time slot manually.

A few important things happen when an action item is scheduled:

  • The team member responsible for that action item can view the time slot on their own Planner, allowing them to schedule their workday around their tasks.
  • The scheduled action item will become visible to the rest of the team on the Team Planner, allowing for better coordination and planning.
  • The issue status will automatically change from “Todo” to “In Progress” when the action item is scheduled.


By default, the title and time slot of scheduled action items are visible to everyone on the team and can be viewed on the Team Planner. However, it is possible to override this default in the settings for your action item.

The following visibility settings can be applied:

  • Visible to everyone (default) - displays title and time slot on the Team Planner
  • FreeBusy - displays only the time slot on the Team Planner with the title “Busy”
  • Only visible to you - does not display on the Team Planner

It is recommended to keep action items visible to everyone by default, as this allows for better coordination and planning among team members.

Any notes added to action items in the description, however, will always be private to the assignee and will not be visible to the rest of the team.