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The term “employees” in Huly does not necessarily imply a formal employment relationship — it is simply used to refer to members of your workspace. In your Contacts list, an “employee” is different from a “person”, which refers to an external contact.

Adding employees

When someone is invited to your workspace using an invite link, they will automatically be added as an employee in your Contacts.

You can also add an employee by clicking the + Employee button in the top right corner of the Contacts page. Enter the employee’s name and email address and click Create. This not only creates a contact for them as an employee, but also generates an invite link which will be sent to their email.

Merging contacts

In some cases, you may have a contact in your workspace who becomes an employee when they join your workspace. In this case, you can merge their “person” and “employee” contacts to avoid duplication. Open the settings menu and select Merge contacts, then select the contacts you would like to merge.

GitHub collaborators

If you’ve linked a GitHub repository to your Huly workspace, you’ll find that your GitHub collaborators have automatically been added to your Contacts as “persons”. Even though these contacts have been added to your Contacts, they will not be able to access your workspace unless they’ve been invited as employees.

Kicking employees

To kick an employee out of your workspace, right-click on their employee contact and select Kick employee. This cannot be undone. Kicking an employee will revoke their access to your workspace and mark them as inactive in your Contacts.