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Viewing and sorting issues

List and kanban views

The default view for issues is the list view, where issues are listed in order of their status. Huly also offers the option for a kanban view, which displays issues in a column format. To toggle between the two views, click either the list or kanban icon in the top right corner of the window.

When viewing issues for a specific project, you’ll only be able to view one task type at a time. This is because task types can have different process states. To view all of your tasks in one place (including all task types), navigate to All issues in the sidebar.

Issue peek

Press the space bar while hovering over any issue to “peek” at that Issue’s details. From this view, you can use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to scroll through your issues.

Hovering over comments or due dates will also open a preview of these details.

Issue Peek

Keyboard shortcut

Press C on your keyboard to create a new issue from any view.

Sorting, filtering and searching

Options for sorting and filtering issues can also be found in the top right corner. The View button allows for configuration of some viewing settings as well as options for sorting how issues are grouped and ordered on the page. The Show button displays toggles for showing and hiding issue details.

The Filter button, next to the search bar, offers options for filtering issues. The search bar can be used to search for a specific issue by keyword.

For quick sorting, select Active, Backlog or All from the menu above the search bar.

Download as PDF

Issues can also be downloaded in PDF format: